Hyenas with Kill - Judy Smith (Open).jpg Keep Watching - Haider Chishty (Beginners).jpg Little Grebe - June Gorman (Open).jpg Natasha - Gareth Morgan (Open).jpg On the Tioga pass  Yosemite California - Trevor Unwin (Open).jpg The Love Bug - Steve Dorey (Open).jpg
Bill on the Barge - Gareth Morgan (Open).jpg Fish Supper - David Atkinson (Open).jpg Newgale Beach - Marcus Offinger (Beginners).jpg Smoke - Haider Chishty (Beginners).jpg Watching the Fire and the Fury - Mark Tomlinson (Open).jpg Antique Aston - Haider Chishty (Beginners).jpg
Badger Watch - David Atkinson (Open).jpg Captive - Shirley Hollis (Open).jpg : Whipsnade zoo, monkey Downcast - Erica Oram (Open).jpg